SINCHI, S.L., in compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, informs:
- That he is the owner of the domain and the website WWW.SINCHISINCHI.COM.
- That your identification and contact details are:
Postal Code: 18400.
NIF: B01643238.
That it is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Granada under number B01643238 in volume 1, book, page 1, page 1, entry 1.
The use of the website grants the condition of user and implies full acceptance of all the provisions contained in this Legal Notice, in the Privacy Policy and in the Cookies Policy. If the user does not agree with the conditions established here, they should reject the access and use of the website.
The content of the website is the property of SINCHI, S.L., and any type of copy or reproduction of all or part of the content is prohibited without the express authorization of its owner.
The user of the website undertakes to make appropriate use of it, not to use it for practices contrary to the Law or good faith and not to cause damage to the physical and logical systems of SINCHI, S.L..
The database is owned by SINCHI S.L., with NIF number B01643238, and address at Avda. González Robles, nº 19, Órgiva, Granada.
This document regulates the conditions governing the use of this website and the purchase of products on it, hereinafter referred to as « conditions ».
For the purposes of these conditions, it is understood that the activity that SINCHI S.L. develops on this website includes the sale and marketing of products in which they are specialized.
In addition to reading these conditions, and before accessing/browsing and using this web page, the user must have read the Legal Notice, the cookies policy, and the privacy policy. By using this website, the user agrees to be bound by these conditions. If you do not agree with it, you should not use it.
Likewise, it is reported that these conditions can be modified, the user is responsible for consulting them each time they access and/or browse the web, those that are in force at the time the purchase of products and/or is requested. services.
The user assumes his responsibility for the correct use of the website, this responsibility will extend to making correct use of the site to make legally validated inquiries and purchases, the user also agrees to provide truthful and lawful contact information and not to make any false purchases. or fraudulent. The user declares to be over 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into contracts through this website.
Purchasing process
The website is directed at consumers.
Duly registered users can buy on the website by the means and forms established, they must follow the purchase procedure during which various products can be selected and added to the cart, in this process they must complete and verify the information that is provided at each step. requested, although during the purchase and before making the payment they can modify the data.
The user will receive an email confirming the purchase and sending the order. The user may request an electronic purchase invoice and, where appropriate, obtain a paper invoice if they wish, by requesting it from hola@sinchisinchi.com.
The user acknowledges being informed, at the time of purchase, of certain particular conditions of sale that concern the product in question and that are shown next to the presentation, or where appropriate an image of it on its website page, indicating to illustrative but not exhaustive way and taking into account each case: the name, price, components, weight, quantity, color, details and characteristics of the products, cost of the services, etc… and also acknowledges that the completion of the purchase order materializes the full and complete acceptance of the particular conditions of sale applicable in each case.
The communications, purchase orders and payments that intervene during the transactions carried out on the website may be filed and kept in the records of SINCHI S.L., in order to constitute a means of proof of the transactions, respecting the current conditions and regulations that in this regard they are applicable, particularly attention to the RGPD and the rights that assist users in accordance with the privacy policy of this website.
All purchase orders made by the user are subject to product availability.
The prices shown in the storefront are without taxes; these are added at the end of the purchase process.
Shipment destinations
Currently no shipping destinations are excluded.
Product warranty
SINCHI S.L. guarantees that its products are in accordance with the contract and, unless otherwise provided by law, will not accept responsibility for losses that are not attributable to any breach on its part, SINCHI S.L. applies all the measures related to providing a faithful display of the product on the website, however, it is not responsible for the slightest differences or inaccuracies that may exist, for example, due to lack of screen resolution or browser problems that may occur. uses.
Means of communication with the user
By using this website, the user accepts that most of the communications with SINCHI S.L. be electronic.
Other Legal Regulations
These conditions and any document to which express reference is made in these constitute the entire existing agreement between the user and SINCHI S.L., in relation to the object of sale and replace any other agreement or agreement agreed verbally or in writing by the parties.
The information and/or personal data that the user provides to SINCHI S.L., will be treated in accordance with the GDPR and the privacy policy of the website.