The sacred plant Nicotiana

The Nicotiana plant (Rústica or tabacum) is native to America, and man knew it there about ten thousand years ago. Long before the Spanish arrived in America, the use of Nicotiana varieties as a medicinal plant could be seen everywhere, and it was cultivated in different spaces and climates.
The Mapacho is sacred, therefore it is very important to respect it, and use it with great responsibility and love. Its properties help to quiet thoughts and focus on the present moment and on oneself. Grandpa Mapacho acts as director of the other power plants. He paves the way for other power plants such as Ayahuasca, San Pedro, or Peyote. Studying the little raccoon is the prior preparation to be able to listen to the spirit guides, the spirits of nature and the beings that inhabit other dimensions or planes of consciousness.

The Nicotiana plant

Nicotiana is a plant from the nightshade family. There are many varieties of Nicotiana, but today only two are widely used: Nicotiana tabacum (Tobacco) and Nicotiana Rústica (Mapacho). Nicotiana tabacum (Tobacco) is the species used by the t*bacco industry, which chose it for commercial reasons, since being softer and less harsh allows consumers to smoke more and at a greater pace. Nicotiana rustica (Mapacho), is the variety of tobacco used by tribes in the Amazon, and is a much stronger variety, often containing up to ten times the amount of nicotine than a standard Nicotiana tabacum leaf.

The Mapacho Ceremony

The Mapacho Ceremony is part of the heritage that our ancestors have left us, and in it we honor the word through listening and expressing our hearts, we meditate on the way we want to live, and we are grateful for every moment. of the life. In all kinds of ceremonies, which may or may not include the use of other master plants, Mapacho is offered to the Sacred Fire, or to other elements of nature, for example to the different directions.

Properties of the Mapacho plant

It is a fumigating plant par excellence, in all its forms we can use tobacco as an excellent fumigator, both on our body, animals, plants and on all types of objects or spaces. In addition, it is an excellent healing agent. Each plant manifests the energy of one of the four elements (Earth, Water, Air and Fire). There are land plants, such as yawar panga (Aristolochiadidyma), water plants such as yaku sisa, air plants such as rose sisa (Tagetes erecta) and fire plants such as sacha garlic (Mansoaalliacea) and mucura (Petiveraalliacea). Each plant stimulates the physical and mental functions corresponding in the patient to the referred element. Certain plants express several elements, and the Mapacho is one of the few species that is linked to the 4 elements of nature, and for this reason it is considered a “universal plant.” (The sacred coca plant is the only known species that also has these characteristics) This characteristic of the Mapacho allows it to be combined with any other plant without any opposition: The Mapacho acts by energizing or enhancing the effect of the plant with which it is associated.