Sananga Plant: What is it?
Sananga or Cyperus articulatus, is a tropical plant that grows along Amazonian rivers and belongs to the Cyperaceae family.
Sananga is a native Amazonian plant, but it grows in many other tropical areas, including Africa and Asia. There are about 30 different types of Sananga, which belong to three species: Eleutherine bulbosa, Cyperus articulatus and Cyperus prolixus Kunth.
Sananga is used by indigenous Amazonian tribes to improve vision and thus their hunting skills (used as an eye drop), as well as being used for various medicinal purposes such as treating snake bites and fevers.
Sananga Eye Drops
Benefits and Medicinal Properties:
Energy Level Effects of Sananga
– Sananga helps open inner vision, the third eye.
– Activates the pineal gland.
– Clears mental confusion.
– Helps align and open the chakras, particularly the third eye and crown chakra.
– Sananga helps cleanse deeply on an energetic, physical, emotional and spiritual level.
– Helps release past traumas, releasing stagnant negative energies, closing holes in our energy fields caused by negative lifestyles.
– Removes negative energy loads and buildups.
– Enhances lucid dreaming.
The Shipibo tribe also uses Sananga drops to enhance their ability to focus on crafts such as sewing, painting, and textile embroidery, for which they are famous. From an early age, Shipibo women are initiated into this practice by their mothers and grandmothers. One Shipiba says, “When I was a little girl, my mother put drops of Sananga in my eyes so that I would have the vision for the designs of my paintings.”
Sananga is often used before and during Ayahuasca ceremonies, since after its use as an eye drop, the visions become clearer and more detailed. Some tribes even use Sananga as an additive to their Ayahuasca drink.
Sananga Effects on a Physical Level
Sananga is also helpful in some psychosomatic illnesses, since the eyes are the windows through which we perceive this world. Therefore, this natural medicine helps balance and heal imbalances in the perception of what is happening around us, providing harmony and the consequent spiritual, emotional and physical healing.
Traditionally, it is used to counteract malaria by nasal infusion. When used for wounds, it is cut and applied externally. For digestive problems or nausea it is applied as a tincture. For coughs and fevers, and for use as an anti-venom it is applied orally by decoction.
The flowers and leaves are used to make a tea that has strong aphrodisiac effects and also increases lucid dreaming. Finally, when the dried rhizomes are mixed with tobacco and smoked, hallucinogenic effects are described.
Sananga also helps relieve dental problems, counteract wounds and heal various eye injuries. It relieves nausea and vomiting, helps with intestinal/digestive problems and soothes/calms.
Sananga was widely used in the Shipibo tribe as a contraceptive, as an abortifacient and to prevent pain in childbirth itself, probably due to its ergot alkaloid content.

Application and Dosage of Sananga Drops
It is recommended to find a quiet place and use it preferably in the afternoon, so that the eyes can rest.
It may be a good idea to have a partner help you apply it.
It is recommended to lie down to allow for a good application, and leave your eyes closed during the session. 1 to 2 drops per eye are enough for one session.
Next, blink to distribute the liquid. It is important to apply it to both eyes to balance the energy channel.
When applied, it produces a burning sensation that lasts up to three minutes, depending on the state of the user and how often the individual uses Sananga. This burning gives way to a feeling of wholeness and presence, deeply immersed in a timeless moment.
The next morning, your eyes may feel a little sensitive and dry, you can wash them with cold water and it will soon pass; it is part of the cleansing process that Sananga causes.
Active ingredients of Sananga, Ancestral Eye Drops
Sananga contains several alkaloids, including flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, tannins and terpenes, although its biological action is mainly attributed to cyperones.
One of the active ingredients found is ibogaine. Ibogaine causes a psychoactive experience that can lead some people to rapid transitions and/or visions.
The full spectrum of effects and bioactive ingredients of this plant are still not fully understood. Furthermore, as the plant does not reproduce by seeds but by vegetation, there are many different subspecies of Sananga with different alkaloid composition.

Preparation of Sananga, Ancestral Medicine
The most common recipe is to dry the rhizomes or stems and pulverize them, then prepare them as tea or eye drops. However, each tribe has its own way of using this magical plant. The Shipibo tribe, for example, crushes the fresh rhizomes and extracts the juice to make eye drops.
Sananga and the Huni Kuin – Kaxinawá
The Kaxinawá tribe has the ancestral tradition of using one or two drops of sananga in each eye before going hunting; it sharpens their vision, making it easier to distinguish game even in the dark. In addition to highlighting visual textures, depth, colors; according to the Indians, it helps the hunting instinct in its search for prey in the jungle.